13th May 2009 - 00:00
The Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust's Food Production Unit (CFPU) is now being powered through the use of re-processed waste cooking oil.
Convert2Green collects the waste oil from Cornish public sector buildings and processes it into a range of high quality bio-fuel, which is then used to drive a micro generator at the unit.
This initiative provides an opportunity to enter into a 'virtuous circle', whereby waste products from the production of food are used to provide an alternative fully sustainable energy source.
This arrangement has been made possible through a partnership with bio-fuels producer, Convert2Green, and sister company, Green2Go, who provide the micro-generation systems.
The CFPU aims to produce its own food for patients residing in hospitals throughout Cornwall and thereby supports its sustainability and locally sourced hospital food programme.
Andrew Webb MBE, Convert2Green's commercial director said: "The bio-fuels systems will provide the CFPU with a staggering 85% reduction in lifecycle carbon when compared to the same amount of energy provided by the national grid. Just as crucially, particularly in this economic climate, the unit will benefit from the ability to fix its energy bills for up to five years."
And this is not all. "The CFPU is also generating surplus renewable energy which is supplied back to the local electricity network in Cornwall when it is not required by the building. This is particularly important in Cornwall, which has set itself significant targets for renewable energy generation."
Webb added: "All of Convert2Green's vehicles used in the delivery of the bio-fuel run on bio-diesel and the factory that produces the fuel are powered using a bio-fuel CHP system. This results in a huge 90% carbon saving in the production and delivery of the bio-fuel when compared with traditional manufacturing methods."
By using a waste product, which often ends up in a landfill site, the CFPU is succeeding in using what government bodies such as BERR and the Department of Transport consider to be the highest level of sustainable fuel.
On-site micro generation is expected to be counted as zero carbon when the government's Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC), comes into effect next year.