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Contract caterer bartlett Mitchell wins Top 500 European Growth Award

11th Feb 2011 - 00:00
Contract caterer bartlett mitchell has scooped a Top 500 European Growth Award at the Europe's 500 Annual Conference and Awards in Brussels.
bartlett mitchell achieved 88th place, one of only 35 UK companies to achieve a Top 100 placing. Wendy Bartlett was presented with the award by Gerhard Schröder, former Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. Ian Mitchell, chairman of bartlett Mitchell, commented: "We're absolutely thrilled to have won this award. There are over 4.8 million companies in Europe and to be in the top 100 for growth is incredible. In 2009 there had been an average drop in sales of 10% for most European companies so our growth average of 24% really bucked the trend. "Small companies have to be so careful when they grow and by managing the finances closely and reinvesting constantly, we've managed to achieve excellent growth, which has given a lot of people employment opportunities too."
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