The result is an ‘eye-catching’ chicken ‘face’ logo with the strapline, ‘Committed to Better Chicken, Raising Standards Together’ with supporting visual and animated assets. The five clear steps that raise the welfare standards for broiler chickens include:
- Slower growing breeds: for healthier chickens
- More space to live: for active chickens
- A stimulating environment: so chickens can be ‘more chicken’
- A humane end: the whole journey matters
- Compliance with better chicken: raising chicken standards together
Dr Tracey Jones, global director of food business at Compassion in World Farming, said: “Over 130 UK food businesses have signed up to the Better Chicken Commitment, a science-based package of requirements that address the most pressing health and welfare issues for chickens reared for meat.
“As these companies work to fulfil the pledge and bring about a transformation in the market, it is vital that their customers, and potential customers, are made aware of this progress. Our ‘Better Chicken’ visual identity has been launched to raise awareness of the movement towards better welfare standards, and to show consumers which of their favoured brands have signed up so they can support them on their journey.”