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Christmas catering alert to public from Food Standards Agency

7th Nov 2014 - 07:58
food hygiene standards, fsa, christmas, restaurants, images
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has issued a message to people booking Christmas meals in light of poll results revealing that four in 10 people do not check the hygiene rating of the establishment when making a booking.

This is despite 39% of people reporting that they had a bad experience when eating out. The FSA’s poll results show that 25% of people plan to book their Christmas meals this week or the next with meal planners’ biggest concern being that the food will not be enjoyable.

Catriona Stewart, head of the food hygiene ratings scheme, said: “Nobody wants the embarrassment of booking a Christmas meal that is less than perfect. The people we spoke to through our poll spend a lot of time and effort planning festive meals to make sure their family and friends have a good time, yet very few make food hygiene a priority.

“We are urging everybody to look before they book if planning that special Christmas meal. It’s quick and easy to check a restaurant’s food hygiene rating online – just go to the FSA website: If you’re out and about, you can also check for the green and black ratings sticker on display and if you can’t see one just ask.”

Environmental health officer, Emma Richbell, said: “Most restaurants have a rating of 3 or above, however, as an inspector, I often think consumers would be surprised at which restaurants fall short of good practice. I’d urge everybody to look at the official food hygiene rating, rather than chance it by choosing a place they think will be okay.”

Below are infographics from the FSA detailing food hygiene rating information - a visual guide to booking a restaurant and making the right checks this Christmas.

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PSC Team