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Children's Food Campaign wins fight against product placement of junk food

10th Feb 2010 - 00:00
Children's food campaigners have won the battle in their scheme to stop the Government introducing product placement of junk food in UK-made television programmes.
However, they warned that there were still serious concerns about the use of any form of paid-for product placement, and that any future government re-introducing product placement of junk food would meet the same level of resistance that forced Ben Bradshaw to back down this time. Campaign co-coordinator Jackie Schneider said: "It is good news that the massive pressure from health, consumer and children's groups has forced Ben Bradshaw to drop plans to allow the product placement of junk food. She continued: "We are very uncomfortable that plans to allow some product placement will still go ahead. This creates the possibility that a future government could still allow placement of junk food through the back. The political parties should be warned that any attempt to reintroduce product placement of junk food in the future will be met by the same massive level of opposition that won this argument."
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PSC Team