6th Jul 2010 - 00:00
Celebrity chef Phil Vickery is leading the campaign to encourage chefs to enter this year's Gluten Free Chef of the Year competition.
At a recent event at the House of Lords organised by Coeliac UK, the national charity supporting those suffering from coeliac disease, Vickery, the charity's food ambassador, reinforced the importance of providing gluten free dishes. Coeliac disease, an autoimmune disease caused by intolerance to gluten and damage to the gut lining which occurs whenever gluten is eaten, affects at least one in 100 people in the UK. Vickery said: "I'm passionate about improving knowledge in the food industry and the necessity for more gluten free cooking as more people are diagnosed. I have learnt so much and it is essential that chefs understand the importance of having gluten free recipes. I am therefore delighted to be judging this year's competition and urge chefs of all experience to enter." Also attending the event was Shanice Parris, last year's Up and Coming Gluten Free Chef of the Year winner, who is currently at Westminster Kingsway College studying to be a professional chef. She said: "Entering the competition has been so helpful to my career. The placement I won at The Vineyard at Stockcross has helped in the development of my skills in a kitchen environment, and even won me a job offer. I've also been asked to do cookery demonstrations at events and undertake further placements, all of which will be instrumental in growing my culinary skills. "I wouldn't hesitate in recommending catering students and professional chefs to get involved as the competition can really open doors for you as well as increase your knowledge and experience for cooking for people on a gluten free diet." Two titles are up for grabs – Gluten Free Chef of the Year and Up and Coming Gluten Free Chef of the Year, and to win all chefs need do is design recipes for an innovative three course gluten free meal. A cook off for the three finalists in each group will take place at Unilever Foodsolution's Knorr development kitchen in Leatherhead in November. Prizes include a stage at Michelin starred Andrew Fairlie @ Gleneagles Restaurant working under executive chef Andrew Fairlie, with accommodation included, for the Gluten Free Chef of the Year; and a stage at the Michelin starred restaurant at Pennyhill Park in Surrey working under executive chef Michael Wignall, with accommodation included, for the Up and Coming Gluten Free Chef of the Year. • Deadline for written entries is Friday, October 15. Three entrants will be shortlisted for each category and notified by Friday, October 29, for attendance of the live cook off. For more information visit www.coeliac.org.uk/glutenfreechefoftheyear2010