1st Sep 2008 - 00:00
Catering software specialist Fretwell-Downing Hospitality (FDH) is one of the first IT suppliers to the hospitality industry to achieve the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard.
The voluntary standard, which is increasingly being stipulated by organisations at the contract tender stage, has been awarded to FDH on the basis of its commitment to care and preservation of the environment, through policies and procedures aimed at cutting energy consumption, minimising waste and promoting recycling. This is the latest accreditation gained by FDH, which has already secured the ISO 9001 quality standard and was granted the Royal Warrant last year as a supplier to Her Majesty The Queen. Among its environmental commitments, FDH recycles a high proportion of waste; uses only recycled paper; is prudent when it comes to business travel, where possible, using public transport; and ensures that power and water are used efficiently. Charles Mobbs, FDH managing director comments: "Our customers, particularly within the public sector are increasingly wanting to work with suppliers who can demonstrate not only best practice, but the highest standard of environmental management. "We have always ensured that all our activities and products meet environmental legislation, but we have gone one step further, and now have confidence that our company and staff are effectively managing, and indeed reducing the impact that our activities are having on the environment." Sue Helliwell, FDH's environmental officer added: "This is a fantastic achievement by the company and all our staff, and is a real testament to the efforts we continue to put in to provide a quality service." FDH specialises in the provision of management information and nutritional analysis systems. It is a leading supplier within the local authority, retail, healthcare, armed services and contract catering sectors.