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The Catering Academy supports the Nema foundation in feeding poverty-struck children of Mozambique

10th Sep 2010 - 00:00
The Catering Academy has assisted the Nema foundation in providing some of the poverty-stricken children of Mozambique with a daily nutritious school meal.
The company helped 150 children in Northern Mozambique that were living in extreme poverty to receive a nutritious school meal last week after supporting the Nema foundation charity in conducting a school feeding project at Mipande Primary School, Mozambique. The meals will provide the children with over 80% of the children's nutritional needs for one day. The help from The Catering Academy will also enable the Nema team to begin working with the school to develop its farm with a local agricultural technician. The farm will help to teach the children valuable agricultural skills as well as provide an alternative to the food currently being bought from central Mozambique. The poverty in Northern Mozambique, which is described as "among the worst in the world," means that one third of children will not reach the age of five - with malnutrition being one major of the underlying causes. Severe food shortages mean the children are more often than not sent to the fields to help to produce food for the family and their educations are pushed to one side, particularly for the girls. This is the second time The Catering Academy has put its support behind the Nema Foundation. In July we reported how the company had helped 180 children at the Runho School in Mozambique to receive a nutritious meal every school day because of the company's work for the Nema foundation. The meals provided the children with 75% of their recommended daily amounts of nutrients.
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PSC Team