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Caterers in 'front line' of health drive

6th Mar 2008 - 00:00
Contract caterers have been told they have a key role to play in improving diet and nutrition.
British Hospitality Association (BHA) chief executive Bob Cotton says: "The Government is becoming very serious about the health of the nation and issues of obesity, particularly among children. "It's not a problem that's going to go away and caterers, quite frankly, are in the front line. "You have a primary responsibility in this area, especially in sectors such as schools and hospitals. "We must find solutions that work with Government policy, but also that work for you and help you carry on a thriving business." Cotton was addressing senior contract caterers at the launch of the BHA's Food and Service Management Survey 2008 at the BAFTA headquarters in London. Along with healthy eating, Cotton said sustainability was the other major topic that will be concerning caterers over the next few years. "It's firmly on the agenda and we have four big challenges within this issue. There is carbon trading, and this summer we will see an enabling bill pass through parliament on this significant issue. It will affect all our big member companies. "Recycling is another important issue. Our industry generates enormous amounts of rubbish and hopefully some of you at least are already starting to sort it. "Local supply sourcing is yet another hot topic, but we have to be sensible about it. It isn't about buying all food for a school within a 25-mile radius. If you take a school in Southwark, for instance, how many farms will you find within 25 miles? It's about buying British. "And lastly, there's the issue of water supply. Our industry is a big consumer of this resource and it's becoming scarce. We have to face up to this reality and plan for it."
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PSC Team