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Campus coffee shops most popular for students - research finds

22nd Feb 2016 - 09:59
University students are more likely to enjoy coffee in an academic study group setting than drinking cheap beer in the student union bar, according to research.

The research from YouthSight and the National Union of Students reveals that on sight cafés have significantly risen in prominence for today’s undergraduates.

Sales of hot drinks on university campuses have risen by 11% in the past year, whilst sales of draught and packaged beer have fallen.

Richard Brooks, vice president for union development for NUS, told national media: “Ten or 15 years ago people went to university, obviously to learn something but also to make friends and have a good time. A lot of policy-makers who I talk to think it's still like when they were at university but since the introduction of the £9,000 a year fees regime in 2012 students have become much more focused on employment prospects.

“Today's students are now much more likely to set up an academic society to provide the academic support that they may feel is lacking on their course.”

Coffee shops and cafés were the services most used by students (87%), followed by the union shop (81%) and bars were only (74%).



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PSC Team