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British library to host event on ‘Eating for the Elderly’

10th May 2023 - 08:50
‘Eating for the Elderly’
Joan Bakewell, Kath Dalmeny, Tilly Robinson-Miles and Neel Radia will ask what diet, nutrition and advice does an ageing population need to thrive at an event hosted by the British Library on Wednesday 17th May.

The Eating for the Elderly event will investigate how does a responsible society makes sure that its elderly community has the nourishment needed for physical, mental and social wellbeing?

Broadcaster Dame Joan Bakewell, who is a long-time advocate of rights and support for the elderly will be at the event, alongside Kath Dalmeny, chief executive of Sustain, and Neel Radia, whose work with Meals on Wheels and other social enterprises tackles social isolation and loneliness.

A spokesperson said: “The challenges run across so many areas. Many elderly people live alone with health and mobility challenges - how can they feed themselves well and with pleasure? What support is available in learning how to cook at home for people who have lost a partner and find themselves in their advancing years suddenly feeding one for the first time?  

“Or, at hospitals, where a large proportion of long-stay patients are older and waiting to be moved into adequate social care – what are the answers to dietary challenges here? And in nursing and care homes, how can they offer a stimulating eating environment and varied, nutritious diet their communities need? And what is the impact of the decline in funding for Meals on Wheels for older and disabled people living independently in the community – or after being released from hospital? 

“Our older people are so often marginalised from access to food; and from the enjoyment of cooking, eating and sharing food that can make life so much richer. Yet despite the funding and priority challenges there are advocates and programmes across the country that are prioritising good food for the elderly.”

For more information and to book tickets, visit here.

Written by
Edward Waddell