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British Hospitality Association welcomes ‘clarity’ of Scottish referendum decision

19th Sep 2014 - 10:00
British Hospitality Association Scottish referendum
William Macleod, executive director of BHA Scotland, believes it is good news for the catering, hospitality and tourism sectors that Scottish voters have chosen decisively to remain part of the United Kingdom.

“The Scottish hospitality industry welcomes the clarity which follows the referendum vote that Scotland is to remain part of the United Kingdom.

“There are many issues that will require attention as arrangements are made to devolve greater powers to the Scottish Parliament.

“Hospitality and tourism are vitally important to the Scottish economy with some 15% of the population working in the industry. The sector has consistently demonstrated resilience, adaptability and innovation, especially over the last five years or so and is showing clear signs of recovery.

“This recovery can be sustained if the economic and political conditions are in place to support this. There are a number of British and international hospitality organisations that are investing in Scotland and others have declared their interest in doing the same.

“BHA looks forward to working closely with the Scottish Government in the run-up to the elections in the spring of 2016 to represent the interests of hospitality businesses and continue to put forward the case for the conditions that will allow hospitality and tourism in Scotland to:

* continue to grow profitably
* create employment – especially for young people
* compete effectively with other European countries

He said: “Scotland has enjoyed great exposure to the international media in recent months, not just in the run-up to the Referendum but through coverage of the Commonwealth Games, the forthcoming Ryder Cup and the Year of Homecoming events.

“This is likely to stimulate heightened interest in visiting the country for leisure or business purposes.

“England remains Scotland’s most important tourism market and we must send out the message that Scotland is very much open for business and that all visitors are welcome.

“Tourism and hospitality are almost unique in their capacity to build international cultural understanding. What’s important now is that tourism is given every support to succeed, grow and compete internationally.”

The BHA represents over 40,000 hotels, serviced apartments, clubs, restaurants, food service, attractions and leisure companies.

Written by
PSC Team