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BPEX campaign hopes to rejuvinate image of pork for young consumers

13th Mar 2015 - 07:24
BPEX campaign hopes to rejuvinate image of pork for young consumers
A major new marketing drive to rejuvenate the image of pork with younger consumers is being launched this spring and the foodservice industry needs to prepare for increased demand from diners, according to BPEX.

While pork is popular with consumers over 60 years of age, younger people are eating very little fresh pork in the home. Following extensive consumer research ‘pulled pork’, which is already hugely popular in the foodservice sector, was selected as “a hero” dish to feature in the campaign and encourage increased demand for pork shoulder.

Commencing on 8th May, the TV led advertising drive focusing on pulled pork marks the start of a three to five year campaign to change perceptions of pork among younger consumers. A second burst of TV advertising will follow later in the year. The TV campaign will also be supported by PR and social media and has the backing of all the leading processors and retailers.

Kirsty Walker, BPEX head of marketing, said: “Foodservice operators can take advantage of the promotional push for pork by introducing more pulled pork dishes on menus and highlighting these to customers. Over the past decade, sales of fresh pork have been flat or in decline and this problem is going to worsen if we don’t reach out to younger consumers.

"This is an issue that affects the whole pig industry and I’m delighted that the processors and retailers have got behind the campaign and are investing in it themselves, making it an industry-wide, integrated campaign.  Changing consumer perceptions about pork will take time, but we are confident that rejuvenating the image of pork, starting with pulled pork, will add value to the supply chain.”

BPEX represents pig levy payers in England and works to improve the competitiveness and efficiency of the English pig industry. BPEX is a division of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board.

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PSC Team