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Bookatable aims to reignite business lunch practice after survey reveals decline

6th Jun 2016 - 09:40
Bookatable aims to reignite business lunch practice after survey reveals decline
Bookatable’s National Business Lunch Week started today following research, which found that 66% of working Brits have seen a decline in business lunches during their careers.

For many professions, business lunches are critical to signing deals and 40% of workers said in the survey that the opportunity to bond with clients or consultants over lunch is the key driver to signing on the dotted line.

A quarter of British workers (25%) believe business lunches give the opportunity to find out about new business opportunities, while one in five (22%) admit that business lunches help them to retain clients.

The Apprentice finalist and campaign supporter, Vana Koutsomitis, said: “Whenever I meet with a potential client or investor, I suggest that we meet over lunch at a restaurant.

“What many people don’t realise is that restaurants have a wealth of menus and specials during the day, which provide the perfect business lunch backdrop.

“Spending quality time with a client, whether prospective or long-term, is invaluable to build lasting relationships and I am a firm believer in taking the time to get to know someone out of the office environment. If you want to seal a deal, or make a business partnership, I believe it is best to do so over lunch.”

When it comes to modern business lunches, a speedy third of modern workers (34%) will race through a business lunch, spending an hour or less at the table. The average spend today of £35 per head is a fifth (20%) less than their peers in the 1980s used to spend (£42 per head).

During National Business Lunch Week (June 6 – 10th) Bookatable will showcase the nation’s top lunch locations and lunchtime deals.

Written by
PSC Team