The new event is an online alternative to the annual BNF Healthy Eating Week which normally takes place at schools and workplaces in June. Last year, more than 4,770 nurseries and schools and 2,100 workplaces and universities registered to participate in the Week. While the coronavirus pandemic has made large-scale physical events impossible for the time-being, looking after our health and diet is more important than ever, and the BNF team has developed a new format to allow the Week to continue remotely.
This year’s BNF Healthy Eating Week @ Home comprises of seven daily health challenges, which people can take part in at home, or in schools and workplaces where social distancing measures allow. The challenges will be supported by a range of evidence-based, easy to access resources on a dedicated area of the BNF’s website, as well as a series of cook-a-longs each day. This year’s challenges include:
• Eat well
• Eat more wholegrains
• Have 5 A DAY
• Drink plenty
• Move more
• Be mind kind – help a friend or neighbour
• Make a change – and keep going.
Roy Ballam, Managing Director and Head of Education at the BNF said: “BNF’s vision is to ensure that everyone can access healthy, sustainable diets, and BNF Healthy Eating Week plays a huge part in helping us towards this goal. Over the past few months, we’ve spent a lot of time considering the different options for how we can practically – and safely - run BNF Healthy Eating Week this year. While we are planning on organising a more ‘normal’ version of the Week in autumn, we felt it was important that we offer an alternative for families and individuals in June too.
“As usual, people of all ages are encouraged to take part in a series of health-focussed challenges throughout the week, building on a different area of health, fitness and wellbeing each day. All of the resources and materials are freely available on our website; there’s no need to register, just get involved and let us know what you’re doing using the #HEWathome tag on social media!”
While BNF Healthy Eating Week usually runs Monday-Friday, this year it has been extended to include the weekend too. One of the new challenges ‘Be mind kind - help a friend or neighbour’ encourages participants – if they are safely able to – to use food as a way of supporting their community during the pandemic, making extra portions to share with their neighbours.
‘Make a change – and keep going’, which is also new for 2020, will encourage participants to broaden their health horizons by trying new foods, recipes, or taking up a new form of exercise. Through a variety of top tips, recipe suggestions and educational resources, the BNF will support people to put these new healthy habits into practice, long term.
For more information on how you can get involved with BNF Healthy Eating Week @ Home please visit: