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BHA supports Food Standard Agency changes

21st Jul 2010 - 00:00
The British Hospitality Association has given "broad support" to the recent changes made to the functional responsibilities of the Food Standards Agency.
The BHA said it is pleased that there will continue to be an independent Agency responsible for food safety which is in the best interests of industry and consumers. John Dyson, the association's food and technical affairs advisers, added that the BHA is looking forward to working with the FSA in its new format particularly on issues such as Scores on the Doors but it will continue to lobby for simplification of this scheme to reduce the costs to industry and local authorities. "The transfer of nutritional functions to the Department of Health should ensure a more unified approach to the fight against obesity and we look forward to working with the Department on this critical issue. "Similarly we fully understand the logic behind the change of food labelling responsibilities to DEFRA with whom we will continue our close working relationship. However we have concerns about the lack of similar restructuring in the devolved administrations in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland which could potentially result in increased costs for businesses which trade across the United Kingdom."
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PSC Team