It is offering equity of 9.09% in the business to raise £250,000 so it can fund plans to expand into the global marketplace.
FullClear claims to be the first product of its kind to allow for safe, monthly beer line cleaning and the only non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-carcinogenic and eco-ethical cleaner on the market.
Current partners include Admiral Taverns, Hawthorn leisure, Hilton UK, Tokyo Industries, TLC Inns and Theakston’s brewery.
“We understand line cleaning isn’t hugely sexy, but neither is a dirty pint - this year’s Beer Quality Report found that one in three pints is served via unclean lines,” said co-founder and chief executive, Alex Murray.
“We replace dated, toxic and corrosive chemicals resulting in dramatic improvements in beer quality, customer satisfaction and unparalleled savings for operators.
“Crowdfunding is a proven and modern approach to raising the capital we require to fund the next stage of our exciting growth journey.
“Our research shows £1 billion a year is lost in beer waste through traditional line cleaning methods. FullClear has the commercial opportunity to save the UK industry alone some £700 million a year in waste.
“Most cleaning chemicals are toxic, corrosive and ineffective meaning that lines have to be cleaned weekly rather than safely every month. Through our extensive, independently verified tests we’ve proven you can safely extend the clean cycle from weekly to monthly.”
As of 8 November, the company has raised £14,110 from five investments- 5% of its overall target.