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BaxterStorey pilots new MSC standard for hospitality sector

24th Feb 2015 - 07:24
BaxterStorey, MSC, hospitality sector, images
A new MSC traceability standard tailored for the hospitality industry has been piloted by caterer BaxterStorey, which has seen 20 catered sites Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified under the new standard.

After piloting the scheme at those 20 sites, BaxterStorey intends to roll it out across its entire portfolio providing diners with a recognisable sustainable choice.

George Clark, UK commercial manager for the MSC said: “BaxterStorey’s new MSC status brings certified sustainable seafood to their clients. By getting MSC Chain of Custody the company are helping their clients to support sustainable fishing practices around the world.

“I’m very pleased that BaxterStorey used our new standard to get certified. It shows that all of the work we’ve put into developing this more streamlined system is going to pay off for our restaurant and catering clients.”

The new MSC standard launched yesterday aims to simplify the chain of custody certification and halves record keeping requirements.

Scott Taylor, category manager at BaxterStorey, said: "We found that the MSC’s updated Chain of Custody standard is straightforward, logical and meshes well with our current systems. We have a strong focus on training so it is great that the updated standard places significant focus on this. Site level staff found it simple to implement and really see the value in conveying the sustainability message that MSC offers to our clients and customers.”

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PSC Team