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Battle of the Barista banks a Scottish winner

6th Feb 2009 - 00:00
Jonathan Sharp, owner of Kilimanjaro Coffee in Edinburgh, has scooped the top spot in the Scottish heat of the UK Barista Championships (UKBC).
Sharp will go through to compete in the UKBC semi final event held on 2 and 3 March at ScotHot SECC, Glasgow. Speaking at the event the winner explained: "I entered the event last year and came fourth and this inspired me to try again. You learn so much, I knew the ropes and what was expected of me this time round. "I was also very confident in our coffee which we source from Jim Hoffman, ex World Barista Champion from Square Mile roasters in London. We use seasonal blends which we change every three months to keep customers interested in the menu." Demonstrating his creativity, Sharp also won best overall award for his signature drink. "I am keeping details of my signature drink under wraps for now and all I will say is that I have a few tricks up my sleeve for the semi-finals." Andrew Tucker, managing director for SanRemo, the espresso machine sponsor for SanRemo said: "I commend Jonathan because as well as winning the heat himself, Kirsten Olsen from Jonathan's other coffee shop, Wellington Coffee, came second. A double win clearly demonstrates the fact that Jonathan's enthusiasm for delivering a perfect coffee each and every time runs through his entire operation." During a UKBC heat, each competitor has 15 minutes to make four cappuccinos, four espressos and four of their own 'signature' drinks. As well as the flavour and texture of the drinks, the baristis are judged on presentation, professionalism, attention to detail and knowledge of their chosen coffee's provenance. This year's UKBC champion will go on to represent the UK in the World Championship event which takes place in Atlanta, USA in April 09, against over 50 other countries.
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PSC Team