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Aramark makes a green impact at University of Worcester

7th Jul 2014 - 14:45
Image of Aramark's Jackie Barker and University of Worcester's Katy Boom
Aramark at the University of Worcester has been recognised for its work in environmental good practice in a national student award scheme.

The Green Impact Silver Award given to the company’s foodservice team at Worcester, recognises its progress on environmental initiatives in catering since last year when the team was awarded a ‘bronze’ rating.

Green Impact is an environmental accreditation scheme run by the National Union of Students, which aims to bring academic staff and students together to enable and showcase positive changes in environmental practice. A student volunteer audited Aramark against the criteria outlined in the scheme’s ‘catering workbook’.

To achieve the 'silver' rating, the foodservice and facilities management company had to demonstrate action and progress across a number of areas, including:

• Active promotion of recycling among customers and clientele
• Investment in ‘A’ grade or higher EU energy-rated equipment
• Positioning of fridges and freezers away from heat sources
• Procurement of Fairtrade products where possible
• Ensuring at least 75% of fish served is Marine Stewardship Council certified
• Ensuring at least 10% of food is locally sourced
• Ensuring poultry and eggs are produced in line with standards within the ‘Freedom Foods’ scheme

Katy Boom, director of environmental sustainability at University of Worcester, said: “I’m really pleased to see Aramark moving up from bronze to silver. The scheme is designed for continual improvement and by working with all the catering team I’m confident they will achieve gold next year. There is certainly the enthusiasm to make it. Very well done to all involved.”

Malcolm Harding, Aramark’s general manager at the site, added: “Green issues continue to rank high in importance among many university students and staff across the country. We’re committed to environmental best practice and continuous improvement, and we’re proud to have received this Green Impact accolade for our food service. Our successful audit was student-led and it’s fantastic to know we’re making a difference and hitting the mark with our customers in this way.”

Written by
PSC Team