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The Apprentice winner calls for more support

29th Feb 2008 - 00:00
Tim Campbell, the winner of BBC TV series The Apprentice, visited Westminster Kingsway College yesterday to call on employers and business leaders to offer more opportunities to young people through Apprenticeship programmes.
Campbell spoke about his working life and how his experience as the winner of the first Apprentice TV series has inspired him to work with young entrepreneurs in the UK through his own charitable foundation, The Bright Ideas Trust. The winner also had the opportunity to meet Scott Blezard, who is currently undertaking an Apprenticeship in business and administration with Employer Training Solutions. Campbell commented: "I'd love more organisations and established companies to open their doors to Apprenticeships to get lots of young people in to see and feel what industries they want to go into and to see if it is right for them. He goes on to explain the advantages of apprenticeships: "You get support from the employer, real tangible skills and a bit of money in your pocket which is an important motivator for young people. What we can do with Apprenticeships is to open the minds of young people to what's actually possible – to demystify the world of work."
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PSC Team