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Andy Jones announced as first chair of the PS100 Group

28th Jul 2015 - 08:49
Andy Jones announced as first chair of the PS100 Group
The PS100 Group has announced that Andy Jones, immediate past chair of the Hospital Caterers’ Association (HCA) and ISS Service Development Director, has agreed to take on the voluntary role of chair of the organisation.

Andy’s role will be to advise on future strategy, research development, government lobbying and press promotion. He will also represent the PS100 group at relevant industry events.

Andy Jones said: “I am so proud to be given the opportunity to lead the PS100 group. To be able to champion and campaign relevant issues will give us the one voice to bring about change for those we serve as well as encouraging caterers to join the appropriate associations.”

The PS100 group has already successfully supported LACA (Lead Association for Catering in Education) and the other leading bodies involved in school catering to help drive through the Universal Infant Free School Meals agenda over the last three years, lobbying on the back of research into the long term health impacts of obesity.

The group has now agreed to focus on the issue of nutrition and malnutrition, with a particular focus on trying to get key decision makers in government to understand the increased risk of malnutrition among the elderly that is threatened by the cuts to community meals services that are happening across the majority of UK local authorities.

The PS100 Group steering committee, said: “We are delighted that Andy has volunteered to take this role, his input to the group has already been of immense value in his role as the Chair of the HCA. 

“His passion to help drive forward the key issues that affect the public sector caterers ability to do their job in the best interest of the community is recognised across our industry and we know he will be invaluable in helping us to shape our strategy and activity for the next few years.”

Andy will work with the group and, in particular, the HCA and NACC (National Association of Care Caterers) to brief out a new piece of research.

The research will be compiled by the end of September, when it will be shared with the PS100 group and discussed at a round table with key government decision makers and opinion formers, hosted by the New Statesman.

It aims to help show that an increase in community meal provision will save the NHS money by reducing hospital admissions of the elderly.

Written by
PSC Team