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‘School dinners is my proudest achievement’ says Jamie

15th May 2009 - 00:00
TV chef, Jamie Oliver has told of his time convincing the government to invest more in school meals.
He said his time filming 'Jamie's School Dinners' was some of the worst of his life but insisted the school meals project was still worthwhile. "The school dinners project is perhaps my proudest achievement, but it caused some of the most unpleasant years of my life," said the chef. "Every day I went to a horrible school, with horrible kids, who called me every name under the sun and I got spat at. It was hell but it was worth it." The comments came in the same week that various media reports suggest the 'effect' is heading stateside, where there are record levels of child obesity. The new US TV series will look at school dinners, work canteens, fast-food restaurants and work canteens.
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