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Adam Smith from The Ritz wins 2012 Roux Scholarship

4th Apr 2012 - 00:00
Twenty-four year old Adam Smith, premier sous chef at The Ritz Hotel, beat off five other finalists to win the 2012 Roux Scholarship at the cook off at Westminster Kingsway College in London on April 2.
The test was to prepare in two and a half hours Turbotin Jubilee, a recipe from the Roux family inspired by Escoffier: whole braised turbot with lobster mousseline, scallops and caviar, garnished with artichoke bottoms and asparagus tips, served with a champagne sauce. Smith put his win down to following the recipe exactly as laid out and making sure his fish was cooked all the way through. "It's a difficult dish – whole turbot deboned, stuffed with lobster mousse and served with champagne sauce. I kept checking if it was done but it kept needing more and I didn't want to send it out underdone." The up and coming chef, whose awards include gold at the WorldSkills 2009 competition in Calgary, as well as the Craft Guild of Chefs Young Chef of the Year in 2010, will now add to his tally the Roux Scholarship prize of a three month stage at a three Michelin starred restaurant anywhere in the world. He said he would probably head for France. "I have a young family and I love France. By spending three months there I'd be able to nip home when I have a chance. I like classical French food. It's where it all started. Although I'm still not sure where yet until I speak to the Roux family, I am thinking about Yannick Alléno at Le Meurice in Paris or Régis Marcon near Lyon." This year the judges included four members of the Roux family as well as leading chefs Brian Turner, Gary Rhodes, David Nicholls, James Martin and former Roux scholars Sat Bains and Andrew Fairlie. Michel Roux Jnr said: "We chose this dish because cooking it well requires the chef to showcase a range of key skills and it was a nod to the Queen's Jubilee this year. The ability to cook a whole fish and stuff it with a delicate, perfectly seasoned mousse is not something many chefs get to practise these days. "The Roux family believe it's important for chefs to have an understanding of the classic cooking techniques if they are to progress to the next level. Adam's dish was superb in flavour and presentation and it was this, coupled with his clean, methodical approach to his work, that made it a joy to watch him working in the kitchen." This year the competition was filmed by Cactus TV for a one off special documentary called The Roux Scholarship, which will be screened on Good Food on Sunday, July 15, at 8pm (Sky 247, Virgin 260). The exclusive programme will document every stage of the 2012 competition – from the paper judging at the three Michelin starred Waterside Inn to the final and the ceremony announcing Smith as the winner. Michel Roux also announced two new supporters of the scholarship: Bridor, a leading supplier of artisan bread and pastry, and the airline Virgin Atlantic, which will play a key role in the Roux scholars educational trip to Japan later this year. The other finalists were: Edward Attwell, Love's Restaurant, Birmingham Quinton Bennett, The Arch, London Arbinder Dugal, Le Pont de la Tour, London Pramod Ghadge, Catlin Underwriting Agencies, Harbour & Jones, London Robert Hutchins, Rudding Park Hotel, Harrogate
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PSC Team