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Action for Children charity ‘desperate’ for barbecue food donations

27th Aug 2014 - 09:09
Action for Children
The charity Action for Children is making a last-minute plea for food donations to help its Summer BBQ fund-raising event that takes place in Old Street, London on Saturday (August 30th) between 11am-4pm.

Sharon Guduza of the charity says: “We are desperately in need of burgers and sausages, and veggie burgers or vegetarian main to cooked on the day (or delivered if not possible).  We have caterers that will provide chicken however we need to cater for a wider range.

“We are expecting 80 – 150 people on the day, so will be looking at the 120 mark.

“We do appreciate that it is extremely short notice however we would be grateful if you can provide something.”

Action for Children works directly with up to 600,000 children, running 650 services across the UK tackling issues such as child neglect and abuse.

The services are targeted at children in care, disabled children and young people and include adoption and fostering, family support and specialist schools.

If you can help please contact Sharon:

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PSC Team