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3.7 million children to take part in BNF’s Healthy Eating Week

17th May 2017 - 08:55
Over 7,900 schools and nurseries representing 3.7 million children have registered to participate in the British Nutrition Foundation’s (BNF) Healthy Eating Week, from June 12th to June 16th.

The fifth annual Healthy Eating Week, which aims to increase the nation’s understanding of healthy eating, has the theme ‘applied learning’ to encourage school children to take ownership of their healthy by becoming school ‘ambassadors’ and motivating classmates.

Roy Ballam, managing director and head of education at the BNF, said: “Each year Healthy Eating Week continues to grow.

“With the importance of a good diet and regular physical activity increasingly prominent, adults and children alike are keen to increase their knowledge on how to achieve a healthier lifestyle.”

Participants of Healthy Eating Week will receive a board game, posters and activity ideas to support the week of activities. Health webinars and online cooking activities will also be available.

Ballam said: “Over 4 million people are set to participate in Healthy Eating Week 2017, and with seven weeks left to go we expect even more schools, colleges, universities and businesses to get involved.

“Registration is free for all, and participants will benefit from a variety of resources - all designed to boost the nation’s understanding of healthy eating.”

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