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2011 Pub Pie Champion crowned

7th Mar 2011 - 00:00
Craig Hennessey of The Queen's Head Inn, Askham, Cumbria, has been crowned the 2011 Pub Pie Champion with his Cumberland tattie pot.
His winning pie features Jus-Rol shortcrust pastry, Herdwick Hogget (over one year old lamb), garlic cloves, potatoes, carrots, shallots and local black pudding accompanied by red cabbage containing a secret recipe. As part of his prize Hennessey won a £500 cash prize, a trophy, personalised chef's jacket, a banner for the pub and publicity for himself and The Queen's Head Inn in the trade and national press. He commented on his win: "Good pies need to be handcrafted – they are made using fresh ingredients bought locally to keep small companies in business. "I'm really excited to have won – it's a great honour for me and the pub. Pies are so important because they are part of our pub heritage especially in Cumbria. Not offering pies on the menu would be like not having Cumberland sausage and mash. There'd be absolute uproar!" The other four chefs who made it to the final round were Carol Haime from The Sandrock, Farnham, Surrey, Rebecca White, The Full Moon, Morton, Nottinghamshire, Carl Smith, The Windmill Mayfair, London and DJ Johnston-Smith, The Sheep Heid Inn, Edinburgh. British Pie Week runs from 7th-13th March 2011.
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PSC Team