28th Feb 2011 - 00:00
Maria Bracken from Dewberry Redpoint provides an insight into her world as she gets set for the Great Wall of China Charity trek from 25 March to 3 April. We find out more.
Background of Dewberry Redpoint Dewberry Redpoint has been the UK's leading foodservice media business for nearly 20 years. It is a division of the fast growing international Progressive Media Group. As a division it specialises in the foodservice sector with seven magazines, 15 events and five websites all focused on delivering to the broad information needs of the hospitality industry. What does your day to day job involve? My role as a reporter on the Eat Out, Cost Sector Catering, Craft Guild and LACA websites includes keeping news on each of these sites updated on a daily basis as well as its individual sections. I am also the deputy editor on The Bulletin magazine – The British Frozen Food Federation, which involves working very closely with the association and our design studio to meet deadlines. I also get involved with proof reading across a number of our publications which I love doing! Sum yourself up in one sentence A few people in the office and at home have described me as being kind, thoughtful, bubbly and very committed. What are your hobbies? I love exercising and keeping fit so you can imagine my reaction when I was asked to take on the Great Wall of China trek. I attend the gym at least twice a week and enjoy swimming. But more importantly I like to make a lot of time for my friends and family. How did it come about you taking on this challenge? Dewberry Redpoint has recently become media partners with Springboard so supporting them in this way was perfect. What does the Springboard Charity mean to you? I think this is a fantastic charity and I am very happy to be involved in raising money for such a great cause. The hospitality industry is always evolving therefore it is crucial that we offer our support where we can. How is your training going to date? It's going well but I am struggling with finding the balance between work, social life, training and seeing my family. I am lucky as my boyfriend has been walking with me during the week and on weekends. We have been using a handy AA guide which reveals the best walks in the UK. We have been to Westerham a couple of times which is a lovely walk but at the same time very tough. We have also recently visited Otford and Kemsing for some lengthy treks. We aim to visit Dover and the South Downs for some walks before I set off in March. I am confident about my training regime so far, however I'm not sure you can ever prepare yourself for how tough the wall is actually going to be. In addition to my walking I am visiting the gym 2/3 times a week which is helping a great deal. A couple of months ago we also went to Guy's Hospital and spent 50 minutes climbing 64 flights of stairs and I must admit the following week I struggled. I could hardly walk but it was great training and now I can admit it was worth it...I couldn't at the time! How do you feel about going on the trek? I am very excited as I have never been to China before and to be given the opportunity to trek The Great Wall of China is massive! I couldn't believe my luck when I was asked but I think the realisation of just how tough it is going to be is starting to kick in. Have you ever done anything of this sort before? No but I'm sure after this experience I will be keen to take on further challenges. Have you had much support? Yes I have had a huge amount of support. Firstly my partner Paul has been amazing. He has come on every walk with me so far and has been extremely encouraging when it comes to fundraising, getting kitting out for the trek and just being there! Springboard, Holly in particular, has been great. Bearing in mind I have only come on board just before Christmas, she has told me everything I need to know and has kept me up to speed with everything. And finally Dewberry Redpoint staff and my family have shown a huge interest in what I am doing and have been very proactive with helping me with fundraising over the last month. Tell me about your fund