7th Sep 2009 - 00:00
Tetley has launched a new website which has been specifically designed to help caterers serve good tea. Brand development manager Peter Haigh explains why sector specific information is crucial to the industry and how people can benefit from using the site.
Whether you run a workplace canteen, a cafe, a hotel, or a pub or a club, the site is broken down into sectors so caterers can easily find advice and information that suits their situation. For example, school, college or university caterers need to only click on 'Education Sector Information' to find out which blends to serve, to discover extra profit opportunities, key beverage facts about their sector, and more. "We wanted to make sure TetleyforCaterers.co.uk was relevant to every out of home business, regardless of size or sector," said Haigh. "If caterers get their tea offering right, then the profit returns to be made from it can be incredible. Whatever the outlet, we'd like everyone to make the most of their tea sales, but unfortunately 'one size doesn't fit all'. "The best serving solutions can differ vastly, from individually enveloped tea bags for hotel rooms, to Tetley On The Go cups for cafes, mobile caterers and quick-service outlets – this is why we chose to break the site down by sector and serving method to offer comprehensive help and advice, whatever the out of home situation." As well as sector specific advice, the website is packed with helpful information which is useful for all outlets, including the latest out of home market data, details of the latest Tetley promotions as well as information on ethical issues and speciality blends. Another useful function of the website is how easy it allows caterers to order free point of sale. Haigh continued: "By its very nature tea is a comforting drink. Customers therefore want to drink the same brand that they do at home. Our research confirms this with results showing that many consumers are more likely to choose tea if they can see a recognisable blend being served. "Due to this it is important that customers can clearly see a quality tea being served and this is where point of sale can be instrumental in encouraging sales. Tetley has a huge range of free to order point of sale items including, 'Open & Closed' signs, 'We Serve Tetley' strut cards, table cubes and signs, as well as blackboards and teabag dispensers, all designed to be eye catching and immediately highlight to your customers the quality of tea being served." One of the main reasons for creating TetleyforCaterers.co.uk was to listen to, and get to know caterers, owners and operators, said Haigh. "The site is designed to be fully interactive and user friendly, if you can't find the information you need simply get in touch; we aim to reply within 24 hours. "The 'Ask Us Tell Us' page is all about caterers sharing their opinions, ideas and suggestions with the Tetley Out of Home team – in short we want to hear from you, the caterer – whether its what you like, what could be improved, or any other tea-related queries you may have." Weblink: www.tetleyforcaterers.co.uk