With increased concern about the environment, every business must adapt to new methods. There are many things you can do to be more sustainable including recycling, tackling food waste, decreasing the amount of plastic you use and reducing your carbon footprint.
Recycle more
When it comes to sustainability, reducing waste is key and recycling is a huge part of that. Waste is unavoidable but the level of waste is within your control.
Many people believe that all plastics are easily recyclable but this isn’t the case. Look at the products and suppliers you use and conduct an audit on how recyclable they are.
Education and training are key for changing the attitudes and behaviour of staff. Ensure all employees receive training on reducing, reusing and recycling the waste they create.
The next step is to develop partnerships with your customers to encourage them to recycle with sustainable programmes such as using less napkins or switching to paper straws.
Reducing food waste
When it comes to food waste keeping track of what is being thrown away is essential to understanding how big the problem is and how to tackle it.
Of course it isn’t just over-ordering in the kitchen that causes food waste. Large portion sizes can lead customers to produce food waste.
Create a sustainable menu
When deciding on dishes for your menu it is important to consider where each ingredient is sourced. Buying from local suppliers will cut down your transportation costs and pollution, while supporting farmers in your local area.
Similarly you should try to change your menus seasonally to make use of the produce that is locally available. This doesn’t mean you have to completely revamp your menu every three months, but think about seasonal alternatives.
Understand plastics
Public concern and political interest about sustainability are shifting rapidly to reduce the amount of plastic in the world’s oceans. With this in mind it is more important than ever to use fewer plastics in favour of recyclable or long-lasting materials.
Single-use plastics simply won’t do anymore so search for eco-friendly alternatives that wont harm the environment. Some ideas include using refillable condiments and switching to canned drinks instead of plastic bottles.
Sustainability in everything we do is more important than ever. Follow the tips above and you'll be able to boost the sustainability of your catering operation.
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