For its latest breakfast report, ‘Prove it: unlocking the opportunities in the occasion’, Délifrance surveyed 1,000 UK breakfasters to find out their ‘new needs’ post-pandemic to enable foodservice operators to revamp their menus as, it says, getting breakfast right guarantees profit.
The research found that consumer attitudes have changed, with breakfast being eaten at home due to lockdowns and homeworking resulting in almost one in four UK consumers eating breakfast more often.
It also acknowledged the effect social media had on consumers’ higher expectations and their extra upskilling lessons in the kitchen, which would make them more discerning when eating out.
A key trend was health and wellbeing during the week, with cereal, toast and oat-based breakfasts as the top three choices, while at weekends one in four consumers regarded breakfast as a treat thus choosing cooked breakfasts, pastries, pancakes or hot sandwiches.
Délifrance’s research shows that 24% of consumers are eating breakfast out of home (OOH) during the week, and 19% over the weekend.
Breakfast on the go (OTG) is driven by younger people, with 32% of 18-24-year-olds eating OTG breakfast a few times a week. Dine-in breakfast was more popular with 35-44-year-olds, with 18.6% dining in at least once a week.
When it comes to breakfast menus, choice and variety are also key with 42% saying variety is one of their top priorities compared to 24% in 2018.
Specific consumer needs also include more sustainably sourced local produce, more interesting vegan and vegetarian food as awareness of animal welfare grows, and the need to address food allergies and intolerances.
Stéphanie Brillouet, marketing director for Northern Europe and North America at Délifrance, says that for these reasons it introduced a vegan viennoiserie range and minimised additives and allergens in its range.
Despite the rising cost of living, expected price points remain stable for both OTG and dine-in breakfasts when compared to its 2018 Breakfast & Brunch report.
However, to alleviate costs, the uptake of loyalty schemes has become more popular, with 44% of OOH breakfasters now using a subscription or loyalty scheme.
Brillouet says that while the 2018 research looked at the profit potential of both breakfast and brunch, the 2022 report is about the whole breakfast occasion regardless of when it is eaten.
“So much has changed over the last few years, we were keen to get a fresh snapshot of the market, so we could see how it has evolved,” explains Brillouet.
“The great news is that almost twice as many people are eating breakfast out of home more than once a week when compared to 2018, so the market is truly picking up.
“The goal for operators in the current environment will be revising their menus to provide cost-effective breakfasts that meet diverse consumer needs.”
Culinary anthropologist and report partner, Bee Farrell, says: “It’s fascinating to see how both the occasion and food choices have changed over the last few years – influenced by a wide range of factors.
“External influences like social media are having a powerful effect on the dishes chosen by consumers.
“Trends like indulgence and health are adding subtle nuances to traditional breakfast dishes: porridge made with plant-based milk for example or toasted sourdough and jam.”
You can access the full report using this link: