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WKC students up for national culinary award

19th Feb 2009 - 00:00
Three catering course students from London's Westminster Kingsway College tasted success earlier this month having triumphed in the Southern England regional heat of Brakes Student Team Chef Challenge.
Winning a coveted place in the national final, the team will be required to cook their winning menu again before another tough panel of leading chefs in Glasgow on March 4. Coached by chef lecturer Vince Cottam, team members – Matthew Steapp Corrizales, Alex Tsoflias and Alex Bove - prepared and cooked three courses for four in just one hour and 45 minutes. Serving up pan-roasted tea cured salmon, loin of Richmond Park venison and an apple and cinnamon charlotte; the trio out-cooked their rivals from Thanet, Thames Valley University, Highbury College Portsmouth, West Kent, Thurrock & Basildon and Hastings colleges. Judged on their use and interpretation of regional/local ingredients and dishes, the team was also scored on taste, presentation, teamwork, seasoning, culinary skills, working methods and overall balance. Vince Cottam, team mentor and catering lecturer at Westminster Kingsway College, said: "I must say that myself and the team are very pleased that we won the regional final, it's a great competition and I always look forward to putting a team forward, I know that a lot of work goes on behind the scenes to put such an event together. Once again the standards of entries were very high and it seems to get tougher every year. "This is a competition where students not only have to produce their menu but have to think and work together has a team, they feel also that it is important that they know all the dishes inside out and not just concentrating on one dish each. It helps that we get great support from the management team here at Westminster to take part in competitions. Once again thanks to Brakes for putting forward a great competition." Judge and executive chef at London's County Hall Chris Basten commented: "Well done to Westminster Kingsway on their well deserved victory. The competition is a fantastic platform for all aspiring chefs, and I and the other judges think the day went extremely well and everyone should be proud of themselves."
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PSC Team